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Skidmore College

2022 Campus Master Plan: Strengthening Our Future Campus


Dear Skidmore Community,

I am delighted to share that the Campus Master Plan for Skidmore College, a document that will guide our campus planning for the next decade and beyond, was approved by the Board of Trustees in May.

Campus Master Planning website has been updated, and the full and final plan, created in partnership with Ayers St. Gross, is available to view and download there.

I want to extend my sincere thanks to the Steering Committee, the Task Force, and to all those who participated throughout this nearly 15-month, deeply collaborative 过程. Your contributions and perspectives were invaluable.

Indeed, the plan’s six guiding principles — integration, flexibility, belonging, wellness, humility, and stewardship —were developed through conversations with our entire College community — staff, students, faculty, retirees, and Board members —as well as Saratoga Springs community members. 的se principles inform each element of the final plan.

的 plan is student-centered from start to finish and resonates with Skidmore’s current Strategic Plan, which emphasizes access, 可持续性, well-being, and integrated 学习. It also reveals a profound commitment to a residential liberal arts education and reflects Skidmore’s overarching commitments to diversity, equity, inclusion, and 可持续性.

艾尔斯圣. Gross will host final presentations of the plan at the start of the fall semester for all members of our community to attend. In the meantime, I encourage you to 审查计划 at your convenience.

As the culminating moments of recent weeks still resonate, including the naming celebrations for the Billie Tisch Center for Integrated Sciences and Wyckoff Center, I reflect on how our buildings and living-and-学习 spaces embody and express our values 和任务. I look forward to continuing to cultivate our campus together, as the space where the entire Skidmore community participates in our teaching and 学习 企业.

